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Stop Comparing Yourself to other people

Stop Comparing Yourself to other people

by Ashley Adewuyi

6 years ago

Do you compare yourself to other people?  Does it feel like God is blessing everyone else but you? 

Life has a way of training us to compare ourselves with other people. We look at the lives of our friends, coworkers, and family members and start to ask why we don't have what they have. We compare talents and skills while sometimes getting jealous about what other people have attained and achieved.

But God is calling all of us to enter into a season of self-satisfaction. There's no healthier place than being satisfied with who you are and what you have. God's word teaches us how to celebrate the gifts God has given us as individuals. He highlights the danger of comparing yourself and acting out of jealousy. You may not have what someone else has, but you are still blessed.

You can still live a wonderful life full of joy and satisfaction if you simply embrace your own gift. God has planted a seed of greatness inside of each of us. Your job is to simply cultivate the seed God has placed within you. Don't forget to water your seed because you're busy peaking in someone else's garden. 


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