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Journey Into Purpose (3 OF 3)

If you’re willing to begin that journey, take a look at the 29th chapter of Jeremiah. Here, we find God declaring to the children of Israel that their time of wandering is over. They’ve been held captive in a foreign land where they’ve had foreign values imposed on them. But now, after this long period of suffering, God is bringing them back to the place of their purpose.
Journey Into Purpose (3 OF 3)

by Ashley Adewuyi

6 years ago

 He’s giving them new hope for a better life, the one of which they have always dreamed. God reminds them that after everything they’ve been through, He still has plans for their future. All they have to do is seek God with their whole heart. God wants to bring you out of your season of wandering and into the fullness of your purpose. You just have to decide that you’re ready to seek God with your whole heart. The journey is difficult, but not impossible. You simply have to be determined to choose greater over mediocre.  I am praying for each of you to tap into your purpose.
God is waiting for you to garner your gifts. Through prayer and study
of His Word, you can experience a transformation unlike any other.
Trust His voice, walk by faith, and watch miracles spring forth.
Rev. Nicholas Richards 

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