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Journey Into Purpose (2 OF 3)

LIFE FOR MOST OF us is a journey of wandering. We wander
from job to job, from relationship to relationship. Some of us even
wander from church to church. We wander because we’re in search
for a fulfillment that will quench our thirst. All of us have a longing
for a better life. The day we stop hoping for better is the day we
start dying.
Journey Into Purpose (2 OF 3)

by Ashley Adewuyi

6 years ago

As long as you are breathing in the gift of God’s new
mercies you should be striving towards the mark of the high calling
of God. Many of us struggle to find our high calling because we’re
wandering. We get distracted by the temptations of this world,
where material success and making money are valued more than
living in authentic Truth. But there is a Truth buried inside you. It’s
been there since before you were born, and if you would dare to tap
into that Truth, you would begin to live a life unlike any you could
ever imagine.

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