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How to overcome the enemy. Page 3

How to overcome the enemy

Step 2: We Overcome By The Word of Our Testimony

When we embrace this new life in Jesus, we are brought out of the darkness and into His wonderful light. We need to put that light on display for the whole world to see.  “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”- 1 John‬ ‭3:18  The love of God is so much more than just kind words or gestures. True love is action and sacrifice. Jesus said they will know we are his disciples by this love.  A life lived in Him goes far beyond Sunday morning service, it’s about a new life no longer centered around ourselves.Our testimony should not just be something heard but more importantly something that is seen.  It is so easy to conform to the world around us. Whether we are conforming to fit in at work or school or maybe even conforming to fit in at church. We need to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.  If we recognize this unstable constant state of change within us, we need to be honest with ourselves and bring it before God. Through prayer and immersing ourselves in the word of God, it makes it possible to become alive through the word and truly live out our testimony.

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