How to Get Out of Debt 3
How to Get Out of Debt
Step 3: What are Living essentials?
A Christian in debt must stop any expenses which are not absolutely essential for living (Proverbs 21:17). Look for services around the home that can be done without outside cost. Also begin to develop some home skills. By utilizing individual skills, you can begin to cut down on some of the expenditures which are not really essential. What I'm expressing is an attitude of conservatism. Begin to eliminate expenditures which are not essential, remembering that many expenditures are assumed to be essential only because of our society. Fifty years ago almost all the labor supplied in the home was through family members - not professionals who charged for it. Christians who are in bondage must begin to assess what things they can do for themselves and stop the frivolities.
Once a Christian has begun to do these things, whether in debt or not, it will become fun and will help stabilize the family life.
Step 4: Think Before Buying
A Christian who is in debt (and even one who is not) should think before every purchase (Proverbs 24:3). Every purchase should be evaluated as follows: Is it a necessity? Have I assessed whether it is a need, a want, or a desire? Does the purchase reflect my Christian ethics? (For example, Playboy does not reflect Christian ethics.)
Can I continue to have streaming and music subscriptions while I owe others? Is this the very best possible buy I can get, or am I purchasing only because I have this credit card? Am I buying something that will devaluate quickly? (clothes, cars, jewelry).
Does it require costly upkeep? (There are many items that fall within this category - electronics, time shares, etc.)