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5 Signs that its time to let a relationship go 4

#3 The Relationship has become too one-sided

Relationships should benefit both people. Both people should be helping one another to grow and become better individuals. If one person is more reliant on the relationship than the other, it can be a sign that person is leeching off the other. People can be leeches for money or emotional stability, as well as other reasons.

Of course, there are times in our lives when people may need more support from us. That’s to be expected and shouldn’t be a reason to cut ties. However, if the support begins to err on the side of dependence instead of strengthening the person seeking the help, it may be time to pray about that relationship and have a conversation with the individual about their intentions for the relationship. 

One-Sided tendencies can definitely be a sign that it’s time to let that relationship go!

1 Corinthians 15:33 says: Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”

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