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You Can Finally Face Your Fears

by Ashley Adewuyi

6 years ago

Jesus gives us a powerful teaching on how to break free from the chains of fear. A lot of people will say that, "I fear the unknown." And while we all face a lot of unknowns in our lives, the truth is that there are plenty of things that we do know. The best way to break through fear is to build confidence in what you already know. If you know who you are and whose you are, you can relax in the face of any stressful situation. 



Face your fears by reminding yourself of who God created you to be. If you're struggling to find a job remind yourself of your God-given gifts and talents. If you're struggling in a dysfunctional relationship remind yourself of your worth and value. If you're struggling with low self-esteem spend the day reminding yourself that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. It's time for you to know who you are. And as you tap into that Godly confidence you'll be able to face any fear.

Here are 3 Scriptures to help you move from fear to faith:

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