I thank you for you are a God of mercy and compassion and there is none like you. I lift up my head to the hills from whence cometh my strength, I know that my strength comes from you the maker of heaven and earth. I know that you are my battle-axe and my rear-guard, that you keep watch over me day and night. Even as i'm going through I know I have a friend in you. I know that you know how I feel and what I am going through, so even right now God I give you praise, for you alone are worthy of all the praise.
God I thank you for preparing me for some things I can't even see right now. I thank you for arranging and re-arranging my circumstances. Even when i couldn't understand, even when i thought you were punishing me, God, I'm starting to see that all along you were working some things out. You were releasing me from some responsibilities that i didn't need to hold on to. And my soul cries out to you lord, Hallelujah!
God so my prayer today is to please, continue making me ready. Even when I can't see, when i dont understand, keep preparing me. Give me the grace to withstand even when this preparation process gets uncomfortable. Glory and honor is due your name, for you alone are due all my praise. Hear now the things within me that are to holy for me to utter, hear my secret cries, and please God answer by and by, in the name of Jesus Christ, your son and my Savior....