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God of The Bottom

God of The Bottom

by Ashley Adewuyi

5 years ago

"God of The Bottom"

God is not just with you in the high places, God is with you in the low places too.  When you are alone and afraid, God is There.   When it feels like you have been left for dead, God is there.   We serve a God who is able to walk with us in our "Bottom Moments"

Dear God

I come to you with a heart full of thanksgiving recognizing that every good gift and every perfect present comes from You. Lord, I thank You for all that You’ve done and all that You’re going to do. Father, I ask that You place Your hand on my finances. Father, Your word says that You have given us the ability to generate wealth. Therefore, Lord I trust in Your ability to prosper me in this time. Father grab hold of my life and teach me to prosper in this season. Holy Spirit bless the fruit of my hands, heart, and mind that I will be able to find opportunities to prosper in this season. Father, Your very name speaks to Your supernatural ability to provide and destroy seasons of lack. Father I trust You. God, I surrender my financial situation to You and leave it at Your feet.


Over and over in your word it is clear that You hear and answer the petition of Your children. King David wrote that he has never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging for bread.  I know God that you have never failed me. I stand on this promise dear God and I trust in Your ability to provide.

In the name of Jesus, I pray that you would manifest your power in my life, right now...

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