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God is a God of Order

by Ashley Adewuyi

5 years ago

God specializes in bringing order out of chaos. From the beginning of time God took what didn't make sense and gave it a purpose. "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 
Everything God breathes on becomes productive and life giving and nourishing. 
This word was so important for me because it came to me at a time when my life was completely chaotic. Everything was falling apart - my job, my finances, my relationships. 
And in that season this sermon taught me that God was a God of order. All I had to do to fix my situation was to choose order instead of chaos. Sometimes fixing your life is as simple as making a few choices. 
Today I wanted to encourage someone to choose God's order instead of all of the disfunction and distractions that make life miserable. God cares about you enough to clean up the chaos around you and the chaos within you. Let God breathe a fresh wind over your life and you'll walk into the new year as a new creature.

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