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Fill the Void in Your Life

Fill the Void in Your Life

by Ashley Adewuyi

6 years ago

Have you ever had a moment where you felt like your life was missing something? It's quite common to fill a void. As we go through our daily routines we can feel empty and unfulfilled, longing for something deeper.

The good thing to know is as a believer you have more to look forward to than just this life. Jesus teaches us that the life we live today is a rehearsal for the life we will live in eternity. Everyday you can take moments to prepare yourself to be the person you want to be.

Find some ways to grow towards the crown God wants to place on your head. You are filled with untapped potential and undiscovered possibilities. Spend today rehearsing for your next chapter. As you rehearse you will find the fulfillment you've been longing for. 


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