7 Day Prayer Journey, Day 3 (Breaking Free of Toxic Relationships)
Thank You for your grace and mercy. You alone are worthy of all my praise and I thank you for blessing me in season and out of season. God I thank you for the rain and the sunshine. I know that you are just God, I know I am not deserving of your manifold blessings towards me, and I just want to stop my day and tell you how grateful i am. For blessing me in spite of me.
Give me the strength and the courage to move on. There are some situations I need to move on from, some old experiences that I need to let Go. As much as these things have been hurtful and not good for me, I find myself always thinking about them and allowing my mind to re-enter those past memories. So now God be a mind-regulator and give me peace about those old experiences i need to let go.
God, there are also some people I need to let go of. You know all the relationships I have been in. You know how I have been take n for granted. You know how I have been abused and mistreated. And so now God, I'm weak, but i ask for the courage to stop dealing with people who are no good for me. Break the soul-ties and the strongholds that exist in my life. Give me clarity to see the relationships I need to break free from. In the name of Jesus.