Letting go of a relationship doesn't necessarily mean that an individual is toxic to your life. Though that may very well be the case, there may also be times where it’s simply time for you to cut ties with a person because their season in your life has ended.
There are seasons in our life when it's simply time for some relationships to come to an end. This can be hard because we don't hold relationships lightly. And whether the relationship is platonic or romantic, we don’t often begin them thinking about how they might end. Instead, we invest a lot of our time, energy, and love into them.
However, God works in our lives in seasons! And just like he uses a job, school, or ministry experience to grow and mature us, he also uses relationships. The key is to recognize which relationships are long term and which are seasonal.
Either way, it's important to notice the signs that it’s time to let go of a relationship so that we don't drag them on. Here are 5 things that can be markers that it’s time for you and another to go your separate ways.